Monday, May 16, 2011

Fold Up Bathroom

Folds into one small, clean set-up. Easier to clean floors!

Chair Folds Into Floor

Saves spave in the kitchen!

Pen Never Runs Out Of Ink!

Writes with metal, does not smear, writes on glossy paper, never dulls, INKLESS. Seems like a good, useful buy

I Will Have A Rainbow Rose Garden

To make rainbow roses, split the stem into several channels and dip each one in colored water.

If I Smoked...

Instead of buying an attachable ash tray, why not just ash into the bottle?

Book-Storing Chair

Whatever book you are reading at the time can be stored IN the chair. Cool :)

Side Table and Dresser

Saves space, and looks good

Stack 'Em

Saves space, and allows you to do more!

Paperless Notepad

Called the NoteSlate, you would be able to take notes, doodle, and do whatever else you would with paper on a paperless palet. Saving paper, saving ink. $99. I am getting one as SOON as it comes out

Robotic Fish Water

Cleans the dishes without dirty water or cleaners

Old Books As Plant Pots

Making old books, whether illegible or useless now can act as a pot for plants! Will not break or crack or break like clay pots. A creative way to recycle and save money

Bath Rocks

Saves water for every bath!

Good Idea

Although, I myself am not a big chess player, making a board game like chess or checkers or anything like that is not as hard as it looks. Using leftover toys around the house like Legos or Barbie Dolls, one can make characters and a board game. Re-usable and money saving

Heat Sensitive Wallpaper

On the outside or inside of your home! Very pretty as well as letting you know where the heat in your home is! Could help find leaks in heating and cooling and where the heat in your home travels.

Cell Phone That Is Charged By Spinning!

Battery charges while being spun around your finger! No more lost chargers or replacement chargers and you the money saved by not having another device using up your electricity? Awesome

I Want To Cook!

For my kids, I would like to learn how to cook, not just Mac and Cheese but anything and everything that is cool, healthy and different. So I have made a spin-off blog called My Little Recipe Book where I will keep my recipes for future use!

Clean Up Made Easy: Staircase Drawers

No extra stuff lying on the floor! Could store shoes, as well as toys and anything else that needs to be moved off of the floor. Stairs + Drawers +Brilliant :)

No link :(

Sink Water to Water Fountain: Tapi

From a normal faucet to a drinking fountain. Would save money on plastic and paper cups used to rinse out mouth while brushing your teeth. :)

If I take up gutair again...: Gutair Pick-Maker

A pick punch. There could be many uses for this other than just gutair picks. If you punched enough you could make jewlery or even use it for arts in crafts :)

Starting out small-Ice Cube Tray

This is just a little thing that i think would be nifty in a freezer. An ice cube tray that makes ice cubes that fit inside of water bottles. :)


So I have a lot of plans and ideas for a dream home, like every one does.

I want to keep track of the things that I want in a dream home so that when I have enough money I can add those things instead of forgetting about my teenage ambitions. :3